After a very hair-raising bus trip from Uyuni, the bus driver drove heroically through a sand storm, pouring rain, thick snow and a road that was so muddy that we passed by lorries that were either parked up or stuck in the ditch at the side of the road
we finally got into La Paz only one hour late in spite of the thick traffic.
As soon as we got off the bus we went round to see the driver to congratulate him on getting us to La Paz in one piece.
Unable to rent the flat we had had before in La Paz because it

to go into La Paz, leaving as
soon as they are full.
Desolée , Paul pas on top de sa forme ce soir donc c'est moi qui a fait les commentaires. Ju
RépondreSupprimerAussi , je ne comprend pas pourquoi une partie est entourée par une bande noire ! Sorry ..